The caper bush produces a bud that eventually becomes a flower. If picked before developing into a flower, it’s a caper bud. Caper buds are what we normally think of when we hear about capers and the ones most often used. If left untouched, the bud becomes a flower that eventually dies off and produces a caper berry. Caper berries are Continue reading


Le Zeppole Di San Giuseppe, Happy Father’s Day


RE-POST : After a year and a half away from this blog, I posted two articles. I took another break but then my site went down and, when it was brought back, the last two articles were missing. This article I am re-posting was one of the most well received and most read. I had to re-post. Here it is AGAIN !

This Article on Le Zeppole di San Giuseppe is broken down into two parts, the first detailing the Pastry and the second detailing the actual Meaning of the Day.

During the Middle Ages, there was drought and famine in Sicily. Praying to their Patron Saint Joseph, Sicilians begged for rain and promised a bountiful feast if Continue reading


Interview Of The Week : Nick Stellino


And there he was, like a glow of light. I still remember the hard year of 2009 and its dreary and endlessly rainy summer. 2008 was the worst year of my life but ’09 was the most painful. The day I met Nick Stellino, however, was a spectacular one with Continue reading
