Amalfi Coast Lemons And Limoncello

The Amalfi Coast is the most beautiful place in the world and known for many things, especially its famous #lemons​, which have almost twice as many aromatic compounds (like terpenes) and essential oils than any other lemon. They are sweet and are eaten out of hand. In this video, I received them fresh from #italy​ via my cousin @chefgiuseppebruno from @sistinarestaurant and also @caravaggioristorante in NYC. I explain the variety, Femminello, and it’s subvarities, most importantly, the Sfusato Amalfitano and the Ovale and it’s own sub-variety, the disease-resistant Santa Teresa. I also talk about the land and the famous “flying farmers”. That famous Delizia al Limone cake from the @stanleytucci show Searching for Italy? That was my wedding cake when I got married there at the world famous @lloydsbaiahotel years ago. I plan on making Limoncello with them and cooking also. I also discuss Badia Limoncello, which we proudly sell at our store, In Vino Veritas in Manhattan, NYC @invinoveritaswinesnyc We also sell a cream version. Stop by and pick up a bottle, then head to Sistina and also Caravaggio restaurants, then book a trip to the Amalfi coast. You can thank us later. N.B. All photos are mine. #amalfi#limoni#limone#limoncello#costieraamalfitana#sorrento#campania#stanleytucci#cnn#italy#sfusatoamalfitano#santateresa#femminello#wedding#marriage#matrimonio#matrimonioallitaliana#sistinarestaurant#caravaggioristorante#giuseppebruno#icontadinivolanti#contadinivolanti#flyingfarmers


Spaghetti And Meatballs / Size Matters !

Spaghetti and Meatballs must be clarified. Size matters. Here’s why. Side Note : I did this clip WHILE having the evil eye but I powered through ! #spaghetti#spaghettiandmeatballs#meatballs#polpette#polpettone#pasta#italianamerican#italianamericanfood#italian#italianfood#invinoveritas#invinoveritaswinesnyc


Bucatini all’Amatriciana and Finding God

Bucatini all’Amatriciana will help you find God. It has been my favorite dish of all time and everyone who discovers it, feels the same way. Here, you watch me make it and choose the wine to match. Try out this dish and I guarantee it will be your favorite, too. #amatriciana#bucatini#bucatiniallamatriciana#amatrice#abruzzo#rome#guanciale#pasta#tomatoes#tomatosauce#pecorinoromano#forzaroma#asroma#grazieroma#antonellovenditti#claudiovilla#stornelli#romanfood#montepulciano#montepulcianodabruzzo#invinoveritas#invinoveritaswinesnyc#vino#wine#wines#vinello#vinone


Cracking the Chicken Parm Code…and Pizza, too !

Cracking the CHICKEN PARM Code! And, while I’m at it, pizza, too. I’m prepared to be called “crazy”, only to have my words repeated years down the road. It happens all the time to me. The History may not be correct !!!! The key difference is a term I came up with called “Thoughtful Refinement”. Watch the whole thing before possibly losing your mind lol #chickenparm #chickenparmesan #chickenparmigiana #eggplantparm #vealparm #parmigiana #parmigianadimelanzane #pizza #neapolitan #neapolitanpizza #invinoveritas #invinoveritaswinesnyc #italian #italianamerican
