What Maradona Means For Naples



” Diego was on top of the world, and he brought Naples there with him. “

This picture says it all. There is an altar for Diego Armando Maradona in his adopted city, Naples. And for the record, it is Naples, Italy, not Naples, Florida, or anywhere else. And for the record, let me apologize for Continue reading


Spring Fragrances 2014 By Maximilian Heusler

Piazza Life Spring Fragrances 2014

Not everyone thinks about the way that they smell; ride on any New York subway for more than one minute, and this will become alarmingly apparent. A man’s fragrance is an affordable luxury that no true gentleman should be glossing over. Owning the best of almost everything is more often than Continue reading


Interview of the Week : Scott Wiener



They say Scorpios are the most intense of all signs and being one myself, I totally agree. We also get along well with fellow Scorpios and other water signs, so when I first met Scott Wiener, I knew right away this guy was great as a human and extremely dedicated to what he loves : PIZZA. I already had known of Scott back in Continue reading


Stale Bread And Circus

No, but seriously, why are Jay Z and Beyonce taken seriously? Why are their opinions viewed as important? They are really very mediocre talents, her much more than he. They are smart enough to play the game but dumb enough to be corporate and political tools. And yet they have lots of money and constant coverage. I remember a story Chris Rock told of how upset he was that his daughter asked about a man in the neighborhood, “If that guy is so smart, why is he not rich?”. Oddly enough, this is told by someone smart like Chris Rock who even he falls for Jay Z and Beyonce. I still wanna “be like Mike” and not whoever is the new star nowadays. I feel sorry for kids today; they have no real people with real achievements to look up to. And they couldn’t give a shit less about scientists, doctors, and charitable people. Like that stupid song a few years ago, “I wanna be a billionaire”. Yeah, no shit. Who doesn’t? Work your ass off. Little shits, there’s no “app” for that. As my intellectual father, Thomas Sowell, once wrote: “Today, they are teaching students what to think — political correctness. Instead of knowledge, students are given ‘self-esteem’, so that they can vent their ignorance with confidence.”



If you clicked on this, it may prove that ANYTHING related to sex sells, or at the very least attracts. This is how dumb we have become as a society. BUT I do wish to give a little advice. IF you are going to have sex, follow my rule: ONLY have sex with someone you would have a kid with or at the very least, someone with whom you would not mind having a kid. This way, you dramatically reduce the stress if, God forbid, there is an unexpected pregnancy. And while I do not want to get into the pro-abortion/anti-abortion arguments, at least if you did get a person pregnant to whom who you wouldn’t mind being linked, it wouldn’t be a life-damaging event.


Interview Of The Week : Johnny Meatballs















With social media, a friend is always one click away. I know people who I have yet to meet face to face that I already like more than most people I have known personally for many years. You meet some characters on the internet but Continue reading


Interview Of The Week : Nick Stellino


And there he was, like a glow of light. I still remember the hard year of 2009 and its dreary and endlessly rainy summer. 2008 was the worst year of my life but ’09 was the most painful. The day I met Nick Stellino, however, was a spectacular one with Continue reading
