Interview Of The Week : Gerardo Bruno

Fried eggs and books. It sounds weird but when I think of my cousin (full disclosure), Gerardo Bruno, those two things come to mind. Before Life got too busy, my family was always all together. Imagine, what felt like, 50 people going in and out of a house filled with food and laughter. And some very loud talking; but we are Italian, forgive us. Gerardo and his Continue reading


Our Wedding At Lloyd’s Baia



Below is our letter to Lloyd’s Baia in Vietri, on the Amalfi Coast.
It is written in TWO LANGUAGES (English AND Italian).
The Italian comes AFTER THE ENGLISH version.
Two photos: One at beginning of article, the other at the end.


To The Marinelli Family, Patrizia Liguori, the Maitre’ d, the Chef and the whole staff of Lloyd’s Baia,

We, Gianluca and Barbara, wish to publicly thank and praise your magnificent Hotel and Restaurant. I, Gianluca, have never in my life Continue reading
