Say Dog, NOT God ! Children’s Machine Programmed To Refuse To Say GOD

At a Children’s Museum, a machine asks for you to put in 3 letters and, after pressing a button, it spells it out for you. If you press again, it will say the word. I chose 3 letters and spelled “God” but the machine would not say it. When I rearranged the letters to spell “dog”, it not only spelled it out, it said the word and had a barking sound to go with it. The “funny” irony of it all is that the Museum is in a former Catholic Parochial School with Crucifixes still engraved on the outside of the building. This video is NOT meant to start a vicious debate; it’s only an observation. This is why the comments will be disabled for this video.


Politically Incorrect? Not for Show Time!

Everyone wants to be in front of a camera. They want fame and they want it now because they feel they need the world to see how special they really are. Yes, we are all special in God’s eyes, but this is something different. In this new age of “me, me, me”, social media is the perfect avenue to Continue reading
