Cracking the Chicken Parm Code…and Pizza, too !

Cracking the CHICKEN PARM Code! And, while I’m at it, pizza, too. I’m prepared to be called “crazy”, only to have my words repeated years down the road. It happens all the time to me. The History may not be correct !!!! The key difference is a term I came up with called “Thoughtful Refinement”. Watch the whole thing before possibly losing your mind lol #chickenparm #chickenparmesan #chickenparmigiana #eggplantparm #vealparm #parmigiana #parmigianadimelanzane #pizza #neapolitan #neapolitanpizza #invinoveritas #invinoveritaswinesnyc #italian #italianamerican


Interview of the Week : Scott Wiener



They say Scorpios are the most intense of all signs and being one myself, I totally agree. We also get along well with fellow Scorpios and other water signs, so when I first met Scott Wiener, I knew right away this guy was great as a human and extremely dedicated to what he loves : PIZZA. I already had known of Scott back in Continue reading


Pizza Predictions I Made That Came True


My dear friends, years ago (2007-2008) I found in me the need to inform the world and clarify what there needs to be known about Pizza as it is made in its place of origin. Since I could not just stop there, I included coffee. When I introduced to the world to my website , I went into detail about 2 of the most important things Continue reading


Interview Of The Week: ROSARIO PROCINO

Rosario Procino
The Man. The Legend. The Neapolitan.



When a man loves a place so profoundly, his roots grow deeply there. From one plant, you can get a whole lot of fruit, all slightly different , but sharing the same attributes. We all heard the expression, “See Naples and Die”. Well, Rosario Procino lives Naples. And that’s all he Continue reading
